📚 JavaScript Roadmap (Basic to Advanced)
We'll go chapter by chapter, ensuring you fully grasp each concept before moving on. Here's the full roadmap:
📌 Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- History & Evolution
- How JavaScript Works (Execution Context, Call Stack)
- JavaScript in Browsers vs. Node.js
- Writing Your First JS Code (Console, Script Tag)
- Variables (
) - Data Types & Type Coercion
- Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Comparison)
- Basic Input/Output (
📌 Chapter 2: Control Flow & Loops
- If-else Statements
- Switch Statements
- Loops (
) - Break & Continue
- Nested Loops
- Practical Use Cases
📌 Chapter 3: Functions in JavaScript
- Function Declarations & Expressions
- Arrow Functions
- Callback Functions
- Function Scope & Closures
- Higher-Order Functions
📌 Chapter 4: Arrays & Objects
- Array Methods (
, etc.) - Objects & Object Methods
- Spread & Rest Operators
- Destructuring Assignment
📌 Chapter 5: DOM Manipulation
- Selecting Elements (
) - Changing Content & Styles
- Event Listeners
- Forms & User Input Handling
📌 Chapter 6: Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callbacks, Promises & Async/Await
- Fetch API & Axios
- Error Handling (
📌 Chapter 7: Object-Oriented JavaScript
- Prototypes & Prototype Chain
- Classes & Inheritance
- Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction
📌 Chapter 8: Advanced JavaScript Concepts
- Execution Context & Hoisting
- Closures in Depth
Keyword & Its Various Behaviors- Event Loop & Microtasks
- Memory Management & Garbage Collection
📌 Chapter 9: JavaScript in the Real World
- ES6+ Features
- Modules (
) - Web APIs (
, etc.) - JSON & API Handling
📌 Chapter 10: JavaScript Performance & Best Practices
- Performance Optimization
- Writing Clean & Maintainable Code
- Debugging Techniques